Temporary Foreign Worker Program – Agriculture https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/agricultural.html LMIA SAWP PDF Application form: (Click on “ESDC-EMP5389”) and Returning SAWP Applications (Click on “Returning the Form:” https://catalogue.servicecanada.gc.ca/content/EForms/en/Detail.html?Form=EMP5389...
BC Ministry of Agriculture – Berry Production Guide: http://productionguide.agrifoodbc.ca/guides/14 NW Berry Foundation – Small Fruit Update: https://nwberryfoundation.org/the-small-fruit-update/ Clearbrook Weather Station: http://rodericperry.weebly.com/ CFIA: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/eng/1297964599443/1297965645317 CanadaGAP: http://www.canadagap.ca/...
CHC HortShorts Magazine announces a new website they feel will prove useful in assisting growers seasoned and new with updated Spraying techniques http://sprayers101.com/ describes best practices in the safe,...
Peerbolt Crop Management’s weekly Small Fruit Update newsletter for all your latest information about Raspberries and what is happening in the fields. http://www.berriesnw.com/SFU/2015/29-SFU07-15-15.pdf ...
The following websites provide current information regarding finance, production, world markets, labour, educational programs, applicable government regulations and information. BC RIDC Association Memberships In addition...